.. M. Poincare has made . a long- speech in
the -Chamber which -the Press describes --as -" masterly." -was also characteristically masterful. M. Briand's help in -foreign affairs has been of untold -value. to French credit abroad; but M. Poincare -compels our admiration - for what. he -has done for France as Premier and Minister of Finance. No one else. could have brought to bear the,,dogged force that has produced the French. taxes so. successfully. No one else would have demanded or obtained so free a hand to deal with the Banque de, France, in finance. He has done wonders and recOurited",them with no false Modesty on behalf of his bloc. The speech was an election, address as well_ as a - justification of: Ids stewardship. He would not promise any formal stabiliz- ation of the franc before the elections. We de_ al with the speeches of M. Briand. • * **