THE TWISTER. By Edgar Wallace. (John Long. 7s: 6d.)
Wallace is at his best in this story, but -the title is misleading, for the peculiar twist of Mr. Anthony Braid is that he invariably speaks the truth to the surprise and mystification of the ninny crooks with whom he comes in contact in his milieu of high finance in the City and sensational betting on 'the Turf. The characters have a certain. indi- viduality, a . rarity in a detective story, particularly the detectivea.cockney with an engaging weakness for cadging and there is. not the usual baffling number of sub-plots. The reader will- probably guess who the villain is, but this is a pleasant surprise and does not at all detract from the enjoy- ment that the story will -give-him; The conclusion, although harrowing, is emotionally satisfactory.