The result of the by-election in the West Division of
Bristol was announced early last Friday morning as follows :- Mr. C. T. Culverwell (Conservative) .. 16,970
Lady Clare Annesley (Labour) .. .. 7,702 Mr. W. H. Marcy (Liberal) .. .. 4,996
Thus 4,272 more votes were cast for the Government candidate than against him, and he had a majority of 9,268 over the Labour candidate. At the last election there was no Liberal candidate and the Labour candidate polled 6,276 votes. The Government may well be satisfied with the result. The Liberals are again disappointed. We believe that West Bristol gives further evidence that many voters will not declare their attachnient to the party that is hampered by " the Lloyd George Fund." They know that it is in some way different from the ordinary party funds in which they are accus. tomed to acquiesce. They feel that there is doubt whence it comes, how and by whom it has been or may be used, and unfortunately the Liberal principles which they want to support (and which we ourselves often wish to see exerting influence) fall into the background behind a mist of doubt. It remains to be seen whether the Lancaster election (of which the result is 'not declared when we go to press) will confirm this opinion.
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