The profits of the late Norwich Musical Festival were nearly
4501. clear ; which has been divided between four charities, the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital getting the greater part.
A very simple and ingenious process has lately been made the subject of a patent : its object is to generate and disperse heat by passing a current of cold stir over a ring of flame. The apparatus was tried for the first time in Wigan church, and was completely successful ; the tem- perature within the church, which is a very large old structure, being raised nineteen degrees above the external air, at the small cost of 2s. 10d. ; the quantity of gas consumed being only three hundred and fifty cubic feet.—Liverpool Journal.
By a recent return prepared for Parliament, it appears that the pub- lications of the Record Board, forming nearly eighty volumes in large folio, have been presented to nearly two hundred libraries in England and Wales, including the subscription-libraries in most of our large towns, and about twenty of the principal Continental libraries. Copies have also occasionally been given to eminent literary men, as Dr. Lin- gard, Dr. Somhey, tk.c. The total value of the works so distributed, taken at the booksellers' prices, is not far short of 40,0001.