There Has Been An Arrival From Lisbon, Bringing Accounts To
the 29th of December. The only military operation mentioned, is the destruction of certain flour-mills in the neighbourhood of Torres Novas, by the troops of PEDRO. The value of......
1 Jc Court.
Timm Majesties have been entertaining large parties at dinner every day during the week. Among the most distinguished guests, are Prince Talleyrand and the Dutchess de Ohio, the......
Xavier De Burgos, The Spanish Minister Of The Interior, Has
published a list of the Sub-Delegates under the new territorial di- vision of the kingdom. The Timeicorrespondent says that it has silenced, for the present, the grumblers of......
The Published Accounts Of The Revenue To The Sth January,
exhibit a decrease on the year as compared with 1832, amounting to 44.2,4941.; on the quarter, of 91,5471. The falling-off is in the Customs, which have yielded less this year......
Irby Sistrapaiii.
A Court of Aldermen was held on Tuesday at Guildhall, which was fully attended. The Sheriffs presented reports of the several gaols of the city. The Court unanimously passed a......
An Important Division Has Taken Place In The American House
of Representatives, on the Bank question. Mr. MDUFFIE, one of the members for South Carolina, proposed that a memorial pre- sented to the House on behalf of the Bank Directors......