11 JANUARY 1834, Page 2

XAVIER DE BURGOS, the Spanish Minister of the Interior, has

published a list of the Sub-Delegates under the new territorial di- vision of the kingdom. The Timeicorrespondent says that it has silenced, for the present, the grumblers of the Ultra-Liberal party. The Chief Secretaries also of these provincial governors have most of them been named. They are almost all men who have suffered severely from their adherence to the Constitution of 1821 and 1822. These appointments are made with the full approbation of ZIA BERMUDEZ ; who seems desirous of losing with all conve- Mont speed the title of Absolute Minister. The Council of Regency has been, by a Royal decree, declared to be the first and highest in the kingdom; and each of its mem- bers is to have an annual salary of 120,000 reals, or 3,0001. This irremovable and irresponsible Council is thus conciliated ; and it is understood that they are not to embarrass the future proceedings . fie the Queen and her Ministers.

There has been some more fighting in Biscay. ZAVALLO at- tacked the Queen's troops under VALDEZ, at Durango, on the 30th December; and is said to have gained some advantage over them. The insurgent army amounted to about 2,000 men. On the other band, it is said, on the authority of some French papers, that QUESADA has scoured the rebels out of Castile, and shot sixteen of their chiefs ; MERINO himself escaping with difficulty into Por- tugal. In Valencia and Navarre, bands of Guerillas stop the couriers, and levy contributions on all who have any thing to lose. The accounts from this quarter are very vague; but their tenour is generally favourable to the insurgents.