11 JANUARY 1834, page 7

The British And French Ambassadors At Constantinople Have...

by the Ministers of the Sultan, as to the reinforcement of the squadrons of their respective countries. The reply of Lord PoNsoNav was, that the late treaty between Russia and......

Money Market.

STOCK EXCHANOE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The tendency to improvement, which leas existed for some time in the Consul Market, received a revere check by the sale of a large quantity of......

Captain Robinson, The Agent Of Don Miguel, Has Left This

country in a small vessel for one of the Miguelite ports, with the intention of proceeding to the head-quarters. 11e is charged with a mission of con- siderable importance Ly......

Prince Talleyitand Says, There Is Eotbing In The Treaty...

Austria and Russia to justify war on the pint of France and Britain. Lord Pal.NEttsTost smiles assent.......

A Note Will Be Left At The Publishing-office, Diu `leliday

morning, for the gentleman wits brought tt cepy of the Musical Ki.opsake. had omitted to leave his address.......


SATURDAY NIGHT. In the French Chamber of Deputies, on Wednesday, M. Maucrilt complimented Ministers on their approval of the address, and M. BIGNox's speech ; but sliowed the......

There Is No Truth In The Statement Of Ministers Having

resolved on reduction of the Army to the extent of 8,C)0 men. No orders have been given for any reduction, nor does it appear that ut:y intention of the kind is at present......

The Stanu'grd Of This Evening Affirms, That The King,...

of the old saying, " No Bishop, no King," has "positively refused to sanc- tion his Ministers in their attack on the Church." We shall see.......

The Huddersfield Election Terminated On Thursday, In The...

Mr. Blackburne. The result was not doubtful after the first hour's polling, which gave that gentleman a majority of nearly a hundred. Ott Wednesday evening, at the close of the......

The Eirelonstautes Connected With The Abandonment Of The...

sending Sir STRATroito CANNINC: to St. Petersburg, are these. On the ilat'laiOD being first annotteced to Prince L1EVLN, he communicated it to his Court ; and received for......

The Revenue.

Abstract of the Net Produce of the Revenue of Great Britain, in the Years and Quarters ended 5th Jan. lt3:33 and 5th Jan. MIS; showing the Increase or Decrease on each head......

Births, Marriages, And Deaths.

BIRTHS. On the 27th tilt., at Zierow, in Mecklenburg', Baroness BIEL, of a son. On the 2d inst., the Lady of the Rev. FREDERICK STORMER, of Christ Church, Mid- dlesex, of a son.......