The eirelonstautes connected with the abandonment of the intention of
sending Sir STRATroito CANNINC: to St. Petersburg, are these. On the ilat'laiOD being first annotteced to Prince L1EVLN, he communicated it to his Court ; and received for answer, that as the dislike of the Emperor of Russia to Sir Srn.vrfono CANNING was well known, it would appear like an insult to send that gentleman. Prince Lnwtsr, in announcing this to Lord l'ai.3tmtsToN, enlarged on the importance of sending a person who would obtain the favourable ear of the Em- peror. Lord PAT.3IERSTON, contrary to the advice of more titan one of his colleagues, concurred in this suggestion; and the consequence was, a hint to Sir STRATFORD CANNINO, on which he declined the ap- pointment. This affitir has given rise to a rumour that Lord PALMElt• STON and his colleagues are on such terms as to render his resignation necessary.