The Huddersfield election terminated on Thursday, in the return of
Mr. Blackburne. The result was not doubtful after the first hour's polling, which gave that gentleman a majority of nearly a hundred. Ott Wednesday evening, at the close of the poll, the numbers were—For Mr. Blackburne, 2:30; Mr. Sadler, 123; Captain Wood, 93. Very few votes were given the next day, as will appear from the numbers at the final close—For Mr. Blackburne, 23-1; Mr. Sadler, 147; Captain Wood, 10S; and Mr. Ramsden, 1. The populace was very much en- raged at this result, and refused to listen to the new Member when he attempted to address them. Mr. Sadler, after the termination of the proceedings, issued a brief address, in which be complained of " the undue exercise of the dominant influence opposed " to him, and the "with- drawal of a party, whose support was originally tendered " to him. Captain Wood did not appear in the town at all, but sent an address to the people, thanking them for the manifestation in his favour. The ceremony of chairing did not take place.