In the French Chamber of Deputies, on Wednesday, M. Maucrilt complimented Ministers on their approval of the address, and M. BIGNox's speech ; but sliowed the discordance between their language ad their at lions, by an examination of their foreign policy. The Due DE BROGLIE theft ascended the rostrum ; and, amidst much laughter, retracted in effect nearly all that he had said the day before, in confir- mation of M. BICNON'S views of the aggressive policy of the Northern Powers. Ile affected to consider the prospects of Europe as decidedly pacific, and saw nothing formidable in the late treaty between Russia and the Porte. '11111315 followed in the same strain, and expressed his full belief in the pacific intentions of the DespotS-!
In the Paris correspondence of the Standard, this sudden retracts.- lion is attributed to the interference of the Russian, Austrian, and Prussian Ambassadors.