11 JANUARY 1834, Page 6


The Caesar, Stollen, for Bengal, in going into the Mauritius for water, on the 9th Ott. grounded and became a complete wreck. The cargo will be saved, but in a da maged condition. 'file Samuel Moon, mentioned in our last as having been spoken steering for the Mauritius, ;inn ea there ou they Sth Oct. in a very shattered condition, having experi- enced very severe gales.

Arrived—At Gravesend, Jun. 6th, Adelaide, Clark, for Van Diemen's Laud. I Iron London.C 31 Clyde, 6th, Vistula, Christian, from Mauritius. At aurititts, Sheplu_rd, London. Sailed—From Gravesend. Jan Stir, Bromievs. Bromley, for the Cape. 7th, Minerva, Robertson, for New South Wales; and lied Rover. Christie, for Van Diemen 's Land.: and 9th, Earl Bathurst, Smith, for the ('ape. From Liverpool, Nth, King William, Steward, fur Bombay.