11 JANUARY 1834, Page 6


Lord Howick has been appointed to the Under-Secretaryship of the Home department, in the room of Mr. George Lamb. finis ap- pointment will not render it necessary for him to vacate his seat in the House of Commons.

The Courier says that there is no foundation for the report which has been circulated on the credit of a Ministerial journal during the week, that Government intends to repeal the Window, as well as the House Tax.

A memorial has been addressed to Lord Palmerston, signed by five British residents in Hamburg, complaining, that ever since the renewal of the intercourse with the continent in 1814, the British residing at Hamburg have felt themselves neglected by the British Government, and their interests wholly disregarded. Previous to the dissolution of the factory in 1808. in consequence of the French military occupation, the British could reside and carry on business in Hamburg without in- curring any allegiance to the state, and without being subjected to any military duties. They are now compelled to become citizens, although always treated as aliens, and subjected to personal military services. They have at various times applied to his Majesty's Government to have these (their former privileges) restored, especially as German merchants settled in England have the like, but without their obtaining any redress. They complain, moreover, that payment of' a considerable sum of money belonging to their favtory is refused by the Hamburg authorities, although the German residents in London have been very liberally treated by tine British Government. As an instance of the rise in the value of land in the neighbourhood

of Hobart Town, we find that two acres which were bought two years ago for 80/. (considered then a very high price) had lately been sold by auction for 3-20/. Another allotment of about an acre and a half, dis- posed of eighteen months previous for the sum of 401., was, at the same time as the above, sold by auction for 300/.

It will be remembered, that during the fkes of September, at Brio.. sels, on the night of the '26th, a scene took place between Colonel

Lyster and a soldier of the 1st Regiment of Chasseurs. Ills affair was represented as a horrible attempt at assassination, and caused a great sensation in the whole city. In consequence of the inquiries of the Police, it teas discovered that FIsinecourt, a soldier of the 1st Regi- ment of Chasseurs, was one of the actors in this scene. He was ac-

coolingly put OH his trial. The proceedings took away from the affair all the importance that had been attached to it ; and it was even found that the fault was not on the s;d4? of Flamevourt, who seas 11/n11111110U:4y acquittal, or the 30th December. tolem.1 Lyster is the seine who was lately condemned to a month's iinx:,onment for having taken too active a part ill an affray at JillIgt'S.—BritS,SCA [This, it will be observed. is en ex parte statement.] The refugees in Switzerland have received 1wrmission from the French Government to join their countrymen in Fraincf.f. The Lfaw;,,mq Coixisrefatc,il of the. :2;t11 unit. contains an advertise- ment, oectownez msarly three coium;:s, consisting of a snpplcueutefry list of the moues of individuals in Poland whose property is ordered to he contiscattd, or who are declared incapable of succeeding to the lin- !writ:awe of their parents. The Prussisn Government, it sisters, is at present mideavouring to draw Switzsrland and Belgium within its tariff line. The Ilelgir Government has availed itself of the opportunity thus affordeil to threaten Frames that the offer will be accepted, if the French custom- duties on Belgian produce are not reduced.—tfambacy Reporter.

The suppression of the mail-coaches, and the new adjudication of the conveyance of letters and despatches, have, it is said, been settlet:

by the Minister of Finances. This measure, it is said, is calculated to reduce by one-fourth the present enormous postage of letters, with- out diminishing the produce of this branch of the public revenue.— Courrier Franrois. Another French paper says, there are no grounds for this statement.