11 JANUARY 1834, Page 7



The tendency to improvement, which leas existed for some time in the Consul Market, received a revere check by the sale of a large quantity of Stock us account of the Commissioners fur the reduction of the National Debt, who are ex officio trustees fur the Savings Banks. It is understood that the sales in question are to he continued daily fur some time, and it is stated that the produce of them is to he applied either to the liquidation of the 3,500,000/. which the Government is hound to repay the Bank of England within the year, or to the purposes of the West Indian indemnity; the Commissioners for the reduction of the Nati llll al Debt being empowered by Parliament to raise the sums requisite for both purposes. The sum to be realized is variously stated, as is the conse- quent amount of daily sale: which, taken at the highest reported amount, 10,000/. daily for the year, is not of such importance as to produce much effect on the pm ice of the Funds, when we consider the large quantity of capital at present unemployed. This view seems to be adopted by the capitalists ; for though, on the first intelligence of this measure, Consols for Account declined to ti94, the ',rice has since improved to 90h, and closes at 89,' 90. Exchequer Bilk still maintain their prices. 'fhe Dividends due on the 5th instant commenced paying to the public on Wednesday, and the pressure fur money, to which we ieferred in our last, has entirely ceased The books of the various stocks which were shut fur the Di- vidends are now open for private transfer. The business of the Foreign Market Las been on an unusually limited scale. The transactions is the most eon rent description of Foreign have not been of suf- ficient inipoi tame to require notice. The prices have been lower, in come- tpience nit' the fall of Consols ; but have rallied with the improved state of those securities, and are now lint a trifle lower than the closing quotations of last week.

The interview between a deputation of the Cminnittee of Cortes Bondholders and 31. V1.%1., the Spanish Charge d'Affaires, to which we refilled in our last, has mit produced any improvement in tlu. price of Spanish Stock. The depu- tation were, however, highly gratified at the courteous reception they experi- enced, and with the sentiments expressed by 51. Vial.; but as that gentleman 'WM without any instructions from his Government on the subject of the he could not do more than receive the representations made to him, and under- take to convey them to the Cabinet of Madrid. It is impossible to anticipate what the Iseult of this communication may he ; but any prediction of its suc- cess would be at present premature, especially when we consider the various abortive 'memos that have been previously made to enforce upon the Spanish Gover lllll ent the expediency of admitting those claims, which it ought in com- mon fairness and honesty never to have hesitated to allow. We will not now allude to the terms proposed by the Bondholders to M. Vasa, because it will be quite time enough to discuss them when we know that any negotiation 011 the subject is entertained.

The Portuguese Regency Bonds are flatter ; the price has been as Ion as and is to •day he continued prolongation of the contest between PEDRO and MR; does not hold out any hope of immediate improvement.

The recent accounts from South America have depressed both Mexican and Columbian Bonds ; the former are 37i.


Nothing worthy of note has occurred this afternoon, raid we can do no inure than cite the clos'n! prices.

3 le:. cent. Controls 81 4 Belgian 5 per Cents.. 95 3 fNioxicso f per rents...

]ditto for Account 833 P Brazilian 5 p.n.... . Cit Syortueuese 5 p.tts... 55i

New 14 et. Ault_ 961 Danish :t per ('ents.. 7:4 11). Regvirrf Sc. p Ct. 504 Bank Stock D .t 2* per tents..49t 50 1.rossiati ( l'41:4 )5 p.('t. — 1 all is Stock — Freneh prr Cent4. . Rum,. ( (SIN )5 p.(1...101141 Exch.Mitter Bats 47 8 l; reek (1833) p.Cto. _-741)atti41) (V.421) a p. Ct. :234 SATVRDAV, TWELVE o'ci.oru.

The business of the morning has been but trifling. Consuls for Account have been (buyers) at Sfl:„ and are now $9. Z. The Foreign Stocks are generally at yesterday's prices.