I TO THE EDITOR OF TRIO "SPECTATOR.") Sru,—Looking on to the lawn from my drawing-room on this bitterly cold and foggy first Sunday morning of the New Year; I saw a very curious scene. A pipe from the bathroom had burst, and a stream of warm water had just escaped and run on to the pathway, forming a temporary small pool in a hollow about eight inches in diameter. In the midst of that pool was a thrush literally "revelling in Summer's heat," surrounded as he was by Arctio frost, paddling and sipping and fluttering his wings in perfect enjoyment, as if lie thought summer had come just there for his special benefit. Round this little temporary pond were a- score of other birds, mostly sparrows, a robin, and some starlings. They were all anxiously waiting for a dip, but the pugnacious, selfish little monster of a thrush would not permit one of them to come near it. He Pecked and snapped and flew at any one that dared to approach; and in that bath ha. kept entirely to him- self as long as the water lasted, which was probably ten minutes ; the water gradually drained away, then he flew away. In all probability the frost would. punish him for his selfishness by giving him an extra grip on his wet feet and feathers. Afterwards we put out a bowl of tepid water on the lawn. The birds came down and- picked up' the crumbs, but not one of them would go near the water. They did not want to drink, and there was no thrush among them to find out that the water was nice and warm.—! am, Sir, &c.,
E. M.