11 JANUARY 1908, page 26
A Socialist Special Pleader.*
Ma. RAMSAY MACDONALD is one of the leaders of the Labour Party in the House of Commons. He is also an experienced • Socialism. By J. Ramsay Macdonald, M.P. London : T. C. and E.......
Madame De Sevigne.*
ADMIRERS and lovers of Madame de Sevi g ne will find much to please them in Mrs. Aldis's new book. Undoubtedly the Marquise, whom Sainte-Beuve described as bein g lovable as a......
The Roman Journals Of Gregorovius4 • The Chief Val U E Of
this volume, which is essentially the rather belated translation of a book that was given to the public fourteen: years a g o, lies in the biographical material which it......