Schoolmasters And The Small Boy.
[To THE EDITOR OF TER "SPECTATOR:1 Si,—Will you very kindly allow one who has had over thirty years' experience of preparatory-school work to make a few comments on your......
"the Social Fetich."
[TO THE EDITOR OF TWA " SpECTATOR."J SIa,—At the risk of becoming the object of your irony, may I point out, with reference to your critique of Lady Grove's book in your issue......
A Curious Scene.
I TO THE EDITOR OF TRIO "SPECTATOR.") Sru,—Looking on to the lawn from my drawing-room on this bitterly cold and foggy first Sunday morning of the New Year; I saw a very curious......
Stone-digging On Hindhead.
[To THE EDITOIL OF THE "SPEOTATOIL."] SIE,—It is generally known that Hindhead was recently purchased by the National Trust for Places of Historic Interest or Natural Beauty,......
The Life Of Henry Irving.
LTO TDB EDITOR OF TIIII " SPECZATOIL1 Sin,—We beg to inform you that the authoritative Life of Henry Irving is in preparation, and will he published by us next autumn. The......