Footsteps of Scott. By W. S. Crockett. (T. N. Foulis.
3s. 6d. net.)—This is a delightful book to read anywhere; to read it in "Waiter Scott's Land," which may be taken, in its proper sense, as meaning the valley of the Tweed and its tributaries, and, in a general sense, the places which are haunted by his presence, would be a greater delight still. Mr. Crockett writes from first to last con amore. He knows his subject well. He knows the man and the places where Scott wandered or dwelt, and he has a very keen appreciation of the beauties of his literary work. A better criticism of the poems, for instance, we have never seen. Some notable Scott figures appear,—Willie Laidlaw, for instance ; Robert Paterson, the original of Old Mortality; and Tom Purdie. Altogether, this is an excellent book.