My Bock Garden. By Reginald Farrer. (E. Arnold. 7s. 6d.
net.)—A new book on gardening ha a no sort of need of an apology. It is sure to be welcome. Gardens vary almost infinitely, from Chatsworth down to the smallest patch in a city town, or even a window-ledge. One can hardly have a rock garden on a window-ledge, but almost everywhere else it is possible. Mr. Farrer's book, the outcome of personal experience, will be particularly welcome because of its very wide application. —Another garden book, of a more special kind, as dealing with a particular exercise of skill and taste, is Flower Grouping in English, Scotch, and Irish Gardens, by Margaret Waterfield (J. M. Dent and Co., 21s. net), a very handsome volume, finely Illus- trated with picturings of what has been done in many gardens in the United Kingdom. Miss Waterfield has had the help of able contributors, and has given garden-lovers not only a book, but an ideal, nay, many ideals.