11 JANUARY 1919, Page 14



Sts,—On Christmae Day I had a long and interesting ohat with the minister emeritus of the pariah of Coulter, near Biggar, Scotland, the Rev. John Anderson, who must now be the oldest minister in Britain, as he was ordained over seventy-two years ago, and is now well on in his ninety-eighth year. Though nearly blind, his mental capacities remain practically unim- paired; his memory seems perfect, and he talks readily on all the topics of the day. Amongst ether things he commented on the excellence of the potatoes of this year. He said that, to him, they seemed at last to have reached again the excellence of the potatoes of 1838, before the first serious outbreak of disease. There can be very few now alive who can speak of the year 1038, but it would be interesting to know if any of your readers could confirm this opinion.—? am, Sir, he., St. Andrew', Manse, Falkirk, Jame B. Joe/rove.