Sidonio Pars.
[COMMUNICATED.] HE infamous and dastardly crime whieh deprived Por- i tugal of her chief citizen on December 14th was a greater blow to the country than to the President......
Letters To The Editor.
[Letters of the length of one of our leading paragraphs are often more read, and therefore more effective, than those which fill treble the space.] --- LIBERAL-CONSERVATISM IN......
The General Election.—the A . Lternative Vote Or P.r.
[To PRE EDITOR OP TEE SPECTATOR '') Sus,—The broad facts of the General Election have convinced many that our method of electing Parliament is urgently in need of reform. But......
Poetical First Aids.
I HAVE been reading a very stimulating and beautiful book which can be offered with both hands to all fathers and mothers whose children are encouraged in being what is called......