It Is A Happy National Characteristic That Our Soldiers Did
not begin to grumble so long as there was any fighting to be done, in spite of the long 'drain of fully four years of bitter and tedious war. On Saturday last, at Folkestone and......
In View Of The Great Interest And Importance Of Sir
Douglas Haig's despatch, we must reserve our comments till another occasion. Here we will only say that the Field-Marshal makes us realize how critical the situation remained......
News Of The Week.
IR DOUGLAS HAIG'S despatch on the closing battles of 0. the war, which was published on Wednesday, is an historic document that we may transmit with pride to our descendants. It......
In The Despatch The Commander-in-chief Points Out That...
were always numerically inferior to the enemy, who employed ninety-nine divisions in the three months against our fifty-nine. It would be impossible," as he Faye, "to device a......
The Prime Minister In A Statement Published On Thursday...
the Army and the public that, "although the fighting has stopped, the war is not over," and that "the German armies have not yet been demobilized and are still very power- ful."......
The War Office Demobilization &clime, Published In The...
Wednesday, should help to soothe the disquiet and to allay the distrust and suspicion which so readily grow among men who are tired and inactive. No soldier will be released......
• ,,.• The Editor Cannot Accept Reeponsibility For Any...
or tellers submitted to him, but when stamped and addressed envelopes are sent he will do his best to return contributions in case of rejection.......
The Paper Shortage.
TO OUR READERS—It in still necessary for readers to place a definite order for the "Spectator" with their Newsagent or at one of the Railway Bookstalls. Should any reader......