11 JANUARY 1919, Page 14


iTo vax Eorrea or THE " Smruras."1 Sre„—I write to protest against the suggestion in the letter of "A Former Principal," that there is only one Theological College in which the Principal is free to tell a man that he has mistaken his vocation. At St. Aidan's College, Birkenhead, of which I am Chairman, the Principal has full control of the discipline of the College, and he is free, and is expected by the Council, to ask any student to withdraw, if he considers him spiritually or morally or intellectually unfitted fee the MIDIS- try. This has been frequently done. It is not only justice to the College and the Church, but also to the man, who should be tested as early as poesible in his College course, and, if unsuitable, advised to seek another calling in life. I cannot understand the discipline of a College being made to depend on finance, nor can I understand that a College should prosper when ite dieeipline is slack, and unfit men are allowed to remain for fear of the loss of their feu, whether them fees are found, in whole or in part, by Bishops, or Diocesan Com- mittees, or private persons. I am loth to believe that the other Theological Colleges are not guided by the same prin.