11 JANUARY 1919, Page 15


[Tel THE EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR."1 SIR,—I trust that et the emi of this past year, being the end of nearly four and a half years' war, you may not think it Intrusive of me to suggest that the readers of the Spectator have reason to be grateful to you that, uotsvithatanding this length of time, the advanee in eoet of labour, patter. ink, Ac., of perhaps 100 per cent., you have never raised your price to the public. This seems to me a great merit, for whit* your readers most feel very math obliged. It may be true that the texture of the paper was altered, 'and perhaps its leaves cur- tailed; nevertheless, most proprietors of newspapers immedi- ately raised their prioes, some even to 200 per cent. Of course, there are a few who postponed the change for two or three years, but had ultimately to make advances. Yet I know none

so considerate as you have been.—I am, Sir, de., H. G.