An article published In the Times of Friday week supplied
ample and almost final and conclusive proof that Germany's cry "We are starving I" which followed the signing of the armistice, was the latest but not the last proof of a mean and lying and greedy spirit which is the true fellow of her savage lust and bloody cruelty. North-Western Germany, to which this report by eyewitnesses refers, is fully supplied with all the necessaries of life, with the means of maintaining full physical vigour ; in no place in England, of the same character, would the people be found in better flesh or better oolour. Raw food was even seen going to waste. Doubtless the industrial districts may still be on short commons ; and why should they not feel the pinoh of hunger, when their Government brought to ruin and famine minions of men and women who lost all but their souls, in a war which was breed upon them ? Germany has brought upon herself and fastened upon herself, through her spiritual squalor, the curse of tho creeping things. "Upon thy belly shalt thou go . . . all the days of thy life."