As the ejectors last month not only gave a'doolsIve vote
of confidence to hir.;Lleyd Qemse bti ali■a regiitered their dislike of Pewit:Wimp and trnffieking with the eneniy, it is strange that Mr. Henderson aria hie uhiropular Colleagues should be proposing to confer in Lausann'e uext weeV with enemy Socialist delegates. Mr. Thorne, we are glad to see, has declined to go as a delegate of the Trade Union Congress to a highly questionable gathering, in whioh not only Imperialists like Herr Saheidemann but also Anarchists like Herr Liebkneoht will be represented. The French Government regard the *flair with grave suspicion, and the American Labour men will have nothing to do with it. The people of Lausanne, who are friendly to the Allies, have asked their Government to forbid the Congress, as they have had more than enough of revolutionary visitors. The Coalition Ministry would be fully justified by the result of the General Election in preventing the I.L.P. from engaging in this dangerous intrigue with the enemy.