Explaining the Britisher,. By P. W. Wile. (W. Heinemann. Is.
6d. net.)—This little hook, written by an American for Americans, tells briefly and accurately "the story of the British Empire)n mighty effort in Liberty's cause." It is a wonderful story, which Englishmen may read with pardonable pride. Mr. Wile is half angry, half amused, at our national unwillingness to advertise or even to inform. He rays that when he visited America in the spring of 1916, after we had sustained enormous casualties in the Salient and elsewhere, he was asked "When
is England going to do something 1 " It is the Britishers' passion for self-depreciation," he adds. "that caused us to think they were always asleep at the switch." Mr. Wile recites clearly the main facts about our Navy and Army and the help rendered by the Dominione and India. "Banish from your thoughts," he concludes, "the notion that America came into the war to 'save England.' England has saved herself. France haisaved herself. We are in the ear to save ourselves."