General Sykes mentioned as an instance of German air enter.
price that a Zeppelin had flown front Jaullioll in Bulgaria to German East Africa, carrying twelve tons of ammunition. She was informed by wireless that the force had surrendered, and reached the base in safety after being in the air four days without landing. The R.A.F. hope to open a service, and aln3ady surveyors have been siting aerodromes in Central Africa. London and the great provinaial centres may be linked up for newspaper delivery and carriage of '' copy" and photographs. The large rigid airship is still in its experimental stage. Constant touch with wireless transmitting stations will be maintained, each station costing about £60,000. The pilOt must "have weather, navigation, machinery, and speed in his bones," with "as much courage as is needed for trick flying." Adam Smith's "wagon way through the air" is about to be realized.