At the Middlesex Sessions, on Wednesday, Mr. Dunn appeared, and
inquired whether the Court would Lear him on affidavit to rescind the order of the Court made on Miss Burdett Coutts's application, by which he was ordered to enter into sureties to keep the peace towards Miss Coutts. Mr. Demi said he did not wish to he a source of misery to Miss Coutts or her loudly, but it was his duty to prevent his own pros. peels in lire from being bliehted. Mr. Bodkin, or. behalf of Miss Coutts, opposed the application : Mr. Dunn's conduct made that young lady's life absolutely intolerable. The Court refused Mr. Dunn's application, and said he must ;Tined, if at all, to the Court of Queen's Bench.
Yesterdey, on the application of Mr. Bodkin, the Magistrates issued a warraet for Mr. Dunn's appreheesiou, as he did. not appear in court it It the required sureties. Mr. Bodkin said, thet even on Sunday last Mr. Dunn repeated his annoying conduct to Miss Coutts, and was seen walking up and down in front of' her house from ten in the morning till eleven at night. The lady had been brought into a state of' nervous agitation which seriously affected her health. Tills must be put a stop to At the Hatton Garden Office, on Saturday, Richard Lewis was com- mitted on it charge of' presenting a loaded blundeebuss at the head of Mr. Henry Evans, Myddelton Street, Clerkenwell, with iutent to shoot him. Lewis was the prosecutor's brother-in-law, and had quarrelled with him about the title-deeds to some property. A Mr. Ilazelhurst was in Mr. Evans's died: ing-room when Lewis reised the blunderbuss, and seized hint, thus probably saving Evans's life, as the blunderbuss had a double charge of powder and swan-shot.
At the Thames Police-office, on Wednesday, two boys were sent to the House of Correction for a month for throwing stones at passengers on the Blackwell Railway.
On Tuesday evening, nineteen of' the convicts, including the notdrious Gould, under sentence of transportation, now in the convict-ship Eden, at Sheerness, were found to have loosened their fetters previous to making a desperate attempt at escape. A plault of' the bulk-head se-
parating the convicts from the military guard was also found to have been started, so that it eculd be removed with very little difficulty ; and
the intention of the convicts WaS doubtless to get possession of the arms belonging to the soldiers. Could is now confined in a separate place of security. He is said to lutve declared, that, let them try what they they shall not take him out of the country. Niue of the crew of the Eden, having refused to obey orders accordieg to their articles, have, been sent to Maidstone.—Globe.