Money Market.
From this statement it will be perceived, that all the Government securi- ths have advanced about per cent.; that India Stock has improved 4 per cent. ; that the premium upon......
The German Opera.
Tine performance of one of the masterpieces of GLUCK, the father of the German musical drama, is an occurrence of singular interest; for though Gusen's name is among the most......
In The House Of -lords. Last Night, The Earl Of
A nEnDene; withdrew his Church of Scotland Bill, on the ground that it was useless to pro- ceed with a measure of that description when opposed by Govertiment. Had Lord......
The New York Packet-ship England Arrived Yesterday At...
Great Western arrived at New York on the 19th ultimo, the day on which the England sailed ; heving made her voyag e in fourteen days and a half, against light head-winds. The......
• - • -- -•- •• -• • •■--
POSTSCRIPT. S A . m.! n DAY. The Paris papers•reeeived this morning contain no news of import- ance. The correspondent or the Ti•acs states his belief, that, under the auspices......
Births, Marriages, And Deaths.
111RTBS. On the 4111 hist., in Clic:at:Int Pince, Linty Ilk:Nnv t i 'Itinvotxrivr.tiv, of a daughter. On the II Ii ima., in Wilton the Laity MARV I:01010N, or a (laughter. (Thr......
East In 1./1.a, Shipping.
Arrivoll.--At Gravesend, July 11th, Mary Only,llo)tl, from NTatiritins. At Deal, 8th, ()lieut. 'I', stun ; and Lady 1ll•Naghten, Edwin, from New South Walt.s; and Slit, Mite,......