In the house of -Lords. last night, the Earl of
A nEnDene; withdrew his Church of Scotland Bill, on the ground that it was useless to pro- ceed with a measure of that description when opposed by Govertiment. Had Lord Melbourne taken a different course, he thought the General Assembly would have abandoned their opposition.
The report on the Irish Municipal Bill was brought up ; and, after some verbal amendments, was agreed to.
The LORD CUANCELLOR informed the House, that the Committee on the Administration of Justice Bill had agreed to an amendment by which one of the two new Vice-Chan eellore would he appointed by the Crown, but that for the filling up of the other office an epplieation to Parliament would be necessary. The bill then went through the Com- mittee.
In the Home of Commors, Coptain P05,1! (1.1, aSliVa Mr. Llb011ellere, 'whether a Regency Bill would soon be introduced? lie bad seen a statement to thet eifeet in a euily eeper.
Mr. Lanorcunen e..11, he lielieved that the bill would be brought forthw it is in to the other cue m en t.
Mr. WALLace delivered a Ionh speech on the necessity of reform in the administration of justice in teolland. The Lotto A Deccan:le replied ; and the motion was withdrawn.
Mr. TtroftAs Dten'e ern then celled attention to the treatment in gaol of Lovett, Collies, and other persons imprisoned for political offences. They found an earnest and eloquent advocat,.. in Mr. Dun-
combe ; who was supported by Mr. IVAionn-, Sir Geoenet STD tentetxn, Mr. WAIW, Mr. WAI1BURTON, M1% 111;31E, Mr. AGLION BY, Mr. CitAnt.Es
BtfreLen, end Mr. Sergeant TALI:wenn : but as Sir Ronenve Pm. joined
Mr. Fox MAt-LE and Lord Joux Resstn.t. in opposing him, Mr. Dun- combe's motion—a reeolution, declaring that the treatment to which political offenders Ora now subject, being, harsh and unprecedented, ought to be discontinued—was negatived, by the large majority of 117 to 29.
In reply to Sir Roma PEne, Lord Joliet RUSSELL stated, that he should not proceed wieh the Neu) Seuth Irides Bill! but introduce another bill, to continue the existing act for a year longer.
The House rose at a quarter past two. •