11 JULY 1840, page 11

Zbe Probinces.

Mr. Trotter, of Horton Place, Epsom, has become a candidate for the vacancy for West Surry, occasioned by the death of Lord Arden, and the removal of his son, the late Member,......


The Revenue - tables were made up on Saturday night. The receipts of the July quarter of 1840 exceed the corresponding period of 1839 by 211,699/. The reduction on the......

Robert Taylor, Who Called Himself Lord Kenedy, Was...

bigamy at the last Durham Sessions. This fellow, a coarse, illiterate, impudent rogue of nineteen or twenty, had persuaded six women in different parts of England ta become his......

A Letter From Amsterdam States, Mit " The Remainder Of

the loan contracted by Messrs. Hope and Co., for the service of the ' United States Bank, wns very readily taken there on Friday at 951 per cent. ; the first instalment to be......

A Well-planned Revolution Has Broken Out In Various Parts Of

Syria :igainst the army and government of Mehemet Ali. Beyrout has been men:Illy taken by the Druses and Maronites of Mount Lebanon. This intelligence was brought overland, and......

Mr. Roberts, The Bath Solicitor, Who Was Sentenced For Some

Chartist proceedings to two years ' imprisonment, was liberated from Salisbury Gaol on Tuesday.......

A Sequel To The Correspondence Between Colonel Campbell...

Colonial Office has 1■ten published this week. The first letter is from ).1r. Vernon Smith to the Colonel, enclosing the despatch from Sierra Lome mentioned in the previous......

In One Of His Recent Letters To The National Association,

Mr. O ' Con- nell said—" Fielden of Oldham, Cobbett ' s friend, has not given Ireland a single vote. " Mr. ridden, however, in a letter to the newspapers, refers to the......

The Irish Chief Baron Woulfe Died At Baden Baden On

the 2d in- stant. More patronage for the Government, and :mother stir among those cormorants of preferment the Irish " Liberal " barristers. As for Mr. Woulfe, he seems to have......

Tuesday ' S Gazette Annonuces That The Honour Of...

conferred on Mr. James Stuart, Chief Justice of Lower Canada, Mr. Powell Buxton, Mr. John Henry Pelly, of Upton in Essex, and Mr. john Palmer Bruce Chichester, of Arlington......

Mr. Somers Cocks, Son Of Earl Somers, Met With A

serious accident on Monday, by a fall from his horse in Hyde Park. He was insensible Mr. Somers Cocks, son of Earl Somers, met with a serious accident on Monday, by a fall from......

Births, Marriages, And Deaths.

111RTBS. On the 4111 hist., in Clic:at:Int Pince, Linty Ilk:Nnv t i 'Itinvotxrivr.tiv, of a daughter. On the II Ii ima., in Wilton the Laity MARV I:01010N, or a (laughter. (Thr......