On the 4111 hist., in Clic:at:Int Pince, Linty Ilk:Nnv ti'Itinvotxrivr.tiv, of a daughter. On the II Ii ima., in Wilton the Laity MARV I:01010N, or a (laughter. (Thr the 2,1 inst., at h110 oil, Ole Right I 1mm,. Lally MARV HAWORTH, Of
a LI011.
()II the :1,1 inst., at Tntihritlge Welh,, the llon. Mrs. IIAma.TON, of a son.
(ha the ',:t1 inst., at Briglaim, the Lady uf the Mot. C11.N111.1TS It stVItt:ItY Taney, of'
a Sell.
(1:1 the 4t11 intd., at the Vitarage, Epsom, the Lally of tine Rev. B. IIHAIINny isseeerr, or a sou.
On the at Nialet. Berwickshire, the Hon. Mrs. Sr. Ct.tin, of a daughter. on the 911 inst., at ICemp Town, Brighton, the Liaty (if 3. W. FIT2P.ATRICK, Rsq,, M.P., of a danghter. In Lower Delgrave Street, the Lady of JAME: Exit:as.): TJ...:sxvirr, Esq., M.P., of it a:twiner.
On the 29tli ult., the lAttly of Divin Esq., of Cookstvne, of a daughter. Oa the 8th inst., the Lady of A. J. StrritEncAsn, of Floyder Street, West- minster, of it son.
On the 6th inst., the Who of the net% W1/.1.1AM Snieer, of Boston, or 0 daughter.
Ott the 7th inst , at Atnen Court, St. l'attl's, the Wife or the Rev. It'Ll.LIAN1Joux 14 ser„ of a daughter.
On the 231 ult., at Watlwortit Vicarage, the Lady of the Rev. P. W. l'in-xxxtex, of a son.
A t Sandy Lane. IIoaton Nerds, Stafford, the Wife of Ism IS operathe brewer, of a son—lot' tweaty.seventh child.
On the 8th Mat., st St. Deoree's. thesover Sqiene, Colonel l'ukozetlea ('Livrox, ...wood son of General Sir W. II. Clinton, to the Ilea. ISIsnv M.1110ABST MONTAGUE. Second done:liter or Lord tIittiia ate.
Ott the 4th iti,t.. at St. Maryletamit Church. JAS1ESNEVEr.1.11EAlto, 1:sq., to the Lady CHARLOTTE TURNOI: t ol i.e of tile Earl of W Overton.
On the 2t1 lust.. at Leiston, Suffolk, Eon ex:, 13xcitxxiin Asnronn, Esq., youngest son
of William Aslitiad, or nate. to LoolSk ELIZABETH, eldest daughter of the late Rev. l'hontas Mils, or Radnor Douse, Twickenham, Middlesex, and man.) years Vicar of Itobtre, in tile New Fore I, lima, On the 241 inst., :a tr,at lie ely, Oxon, Wu.t.r tt 11xasas, Esq., only sou of Samuel Barnes. of litunlield. Exeter, E. q.. to Luce, daughter of Welter Long, Esq., or eresliaw 110use. Hants. and Ilasely I tilt Oxford. Ott the 2(1 tint., at Demo. the lie,. WAINER IA:els BROWN, M.A., HA:dent of Christ Church, Rector of Wein:net:in y . Oxon, to iiicuttLa iNIAltiA, youngest daughter or George May. Esq.. of Strode Houso, Iterno. Beat. On the 2(1 hist., at Pont Itleiddin, the Hon. CHARLES Nertca, brother of the late I.ord Napier. to A N JAIIE, iii p of Colonel Ii;Lt.lei.o, t.t.C.ataero, Ott the titt inst., at croydou ( ilte Rev. NI:error', IVi T.V.17.',,ON, WA, Prill- elpal of the Celle.iii.te Sithiutti tt and late Fellow of Clore 111111, Unite brulge, to 1.1.:rer IA MARI third daughter of George Matmsell Shield, Esti, of Ro-
On the eltit inst., at St. James's Church, Amount, Emj.. a Captiiid in her Maiesty's Seventh Regiment of Ilussinro, and second sou of E. I. Shirley, Esq., of Eatington l'ark, Warw ichuth co, to I , .youngest daughter or James 'A.:admit., Esq., M.D.. of Clorl..sse.,:et, st. Jaa(os's5(plare. On fin 7th inst. at 'salmi iutton It hors, the Bee. litc,IAND KronolloUNE, the (101,1111d 4.A:opt:till or St. Helena, secoilll soli of the late 11,A. Julio Eettipthortie, to t•Ielan0 Mitts , eldest (Wight,' of the late Ilettoral Ainslie, tism,or'y Oulu; ,tor of Bo:utak:I. On the 7th inst., at Wyllie...twit, the Rev. Itorsarr CAM of St. Th■ to FILINCEs JANE, •youtig,'St 11:11%111AI ta. 1110 lute 11111Ilphrey Langloy, of
the former place. DEATIIS.
On the Oht list.. Lit (heat INIalvera. the Bishop or Sr. Dm I. it tih, $itt year.
On thoiitit inst., it, St. Jan.:3's tits Ite,ht 11.11. I itt AittioN. iii his fit Ii year. On tie, 2,1 inst., at Bolen Baden, tie: Rigid Ibm. t■TI:rtt Es 1V(4:1.FE,, ChM* Patron of the Exchequer in I r,dornt. On the Litt; of February last, at Norfoll.i. Island, drowned liy the upsetting of a boat. the I hetit .Ji, IN ClIARI.l.s I trr, ea1,taii1 of her Majesty's 50111 Regiment, ans youngest son of the Eight Hun. Lord NVylifivil. Oft the 5th lest., at Coolowil, couldy or Wexford. Identenant•(lulenel the 11,11. EDwARDSTortmtu, late ut• the ;311 Gitarit..
On tilt: A.-doti (ii teat: llowt...txn Esc', in his 79t1t year, formerly Iteceiver.Giate.....1 of the cmtuly of Buck:ugh:1m, and one or the Magis- trate; ,,r Bow street. Londe.; r.,1 twenty yvars. At Kingston-owTha toes, iti let' nh. Iii etc, llasitt.orrx, sister of the late -Right thou. Sir Robert Graham, Baron in' tie. VA.:di:T.0;i On the lid inst., at 1.lton in 1; .4 17tit year. ItTuENTAUUE JOIN GOODVORD, youngest sou of Ow I ioodi., Eint., ot Chilton 1%tntolii, Sintiersct. On the 711i lilt.. at 11, row Itond, Aornes.ri.n. ti his 19th veer; and on the 2Gili tilt. J F. tu lter .311 chi Alien of 'Iltomas Mallam, Esq. Ott the ItOth Olt.. Sao NA, and on the 231 inst., 01.11us, twin daughten; of Capt. Cy pliant Bridge, 58th Regiment.