Robert Taylor, who called himself Lord Kenedy, was convicted of
bigamy at the last Durham Sessions. This fellow, a coarse, illiterate, impudent rogue of nineteen or twenty, had persuaded six women in different parts of England ta become his wives, by pretending to be a Lord and producing a document which he called a will, leaving him aboat a million sterling in money, with land and houses. lie generally chose his wives from among the Methodists or Baptists, for he professed to be exceedingly pious. His sentence was two years' imprisonment, with hard labour.
John Ringlesham, farming-bailiff to 'Air. Parkerson of Broome, near Bungay, is detained ill custody on suspicion of murdering his wife, whose body had been (hand in a hole of water about forty yards from her house. Shrieks had been heerd, and it was evident from her torn clothes that the woman had struggled with the murderer. The marks of several blows on the thee, head, and arms, were found. A. stake was lying near the hole. A female charged with being an accomplice has been apprehended.