A letter from Amsterdam states, Mit " the remainder of
the loan contracted by Messrs. Hope and Co., for the service of the 'United States Bank, wns very readily taken there on Friday at 951 per cent. ; the first instalment to be paid by the 31st instant, and the remainder (there are hut two instalments) by the 1st of September next."
A letter front a commercial house in Havanna'', dated May 22d, and received at New Orleans, states that—" The British cruisers are. cap- turing all trading-vessels found on the coast of .\ trice, without regard. to their flag, or whether they are engaged in heitintate trade or not."
A revolution is organizing in Bolivia ; and the prevailing opinion is, that Santa ( lruz will, in despite of the tyrannical obstructions of the usurper Gamarra, he recalled to the management of affairs in Peru. In the meanwhile, the condition of affairs in that country is pitiable. Con- fidence is destroyed, trade paralyzed, and anarchy obtains. The re- storation of Santa Cruz would not merely confer on Peru an inestimable benefit, but would establish on a firm footing those commercial relation- ships with this country which it is the avowed policy of his enemies VI undermine.