11 JULY 1840, Page 12


Arrivoll.--At Gravesend, July 11th, Mary Only,llo)tl, from NTatiritins. At Deal, 8th, ()lieut. 'I', stun ; and Lady 1ll•Naghten, Edwin, from New South Walt.s; and Slit, Mite, Iteo•nt, --, from Van Diemen's Land, At Idterponl, tutu, Letitia, Black. from At :Mauritius, Tritieniii, Ilmithwait, from Londirti. At Idmillay pro, vlutti to 2.:t1 May, Ito;lls. Small ; and Catherine. Evans, from I,. tam; John Knox, Slatimon, I lelloel: • Malaita, \Veldt ; Tinanntra, Wilson; and Cestriatt, Armstrong front ot!M lre; tlt' Clyde. At Ihingal, pre. \ 1011A to 811; Tlicoilesdn, Curling ; Coro•ney, I hit' ; ditinutt, M.(1111; Lawrence,

Elwood; Per..d.• ; nod Gentoo, Dodds, tr..111 Lit erpuol; Advocate. Wit-

hinsoo Intuit lamd..n; Elephant:I, DmIgh„. front the C1:..tle. At Singapore, March Powen, front Loudon; and ttiniga, loan Liverpool. At New south Wales. p(eviens to 1501 Month, Bronktal Mom., Smith ; darn, Duthie; 301111, SII1R11; 501,111:111, is tin; Bengal, Carson.; WoLaldolge, Dolls0:1; ;CHI Earl Grey, Slirtlen, front l,titi,ttiii; Cumberland, Osberii; and Competitor, Pritchard, from Liverpool.

Saited--From Iiracei;entl, July limb, NV. Jardine, Crosby; 8th, Falcon, Ansi:ruttier;

'idad:emsear. tiker; and 9111, Plantagenet, Dimwit, for 13011gal ; aittl 1.1111Ille Willis, For Frolli Liverpool, 811i, Superior, Johust011e, fur Bombay.