The members of the London Conservative Association had a grand
dinner in Covent Garden Theatre on Wednesday. The pit was boarded even with the stage, and the space behind the curtain decorated with blue and white drapery' in the form of a tent. About fifteen hundred gentlemen sat down to dinner, and the private and dress.boxes were filled with ladies. Mr. Henry Kemble was Chairman, supported by the Marquis of Londonderry, the Earls of Eldon and Lincoln, Lord Teignmouth, Sir Edward Sugden, and many Members of Parliament and persons of wealth and influence in London. Many toasts were given, and there were numerous speeches. The Queen's health was enthusiastic:01s: received. We observe that in the order of toasts the health of Sir Robert Peel preceded that of the Duke of Wellington. When the Duke's health was given, the ladies in the boxes rose and cheered.