11 JULY 1840, Page 13


Abstract of an Act to provide for the Administration of Government, in ease the Crown should descend to any of the children of his Majesty, being under the age of eighteen years; and for the care and guardianship of their persons. The yr.:amble to this act mentions, tbat in consequence of a tender concern in his alej...sty fur ht fitithfal ,ubjeets, and anxious desire to provide for every possible event which ii my ethamt their happiness or security, in regard to the administration of time governmeot, as set forth in his Alajesty's speech ; it is therefore enacted, that power be vested in his Majesty of appointing from time to time, by three instruments mider his sign manual, a guardian to his successm»., in ease the Crown shall descend to any of his children being, under the age of eighteen years. Such guardian is to hare time care and management of the tuition of the person of such minor, and to execute the office of Regent of the kingdom; anti to be either the Queen, or Princess I/owager of Wales, or one attic descendants of the late King, usually residing in Great Britain. .A_ number in SLICCC,sion, by mm ;my ot substitution, in case of death, may he nominated to succeed ;a the guardianship and regency ; but no more than one person may act as such at one time ; and any such persons are disquttlitied to act as guardians and regents by mion-rasidence, or by marrying a Papist. Time immstrunments of contination are to be sealed with the King's seal; amid the seals of the Arcimbielmop of Cienterbury, Lord Chancellor, and President of the Connell ; and to be severally deposited with them : but upon the revoca- tion or alteration of such instruments by the King, or death of any of time de- positaries, they are to be delivered up; as likewise in case of removal of any of the said officers of state; and on the dernise of the King, during such mino- rity, time Privy Council is to assemble, and the said instruments are to be there prmal mired and read. A person guilty of opening any of the said instruments, without his Majesty's order, or refusing to deliver up the same to the l'rivy Council, incurs the pe- nalties of premunire. One of time instruments being produced, is deemed effectual to give authority to the person nominated Regem ; and all acts of regal power, done other- wise than by consent and authority of the Regeot, are declared void. The Council of Beeeney for assisting time Begot, is to consist of their Royal Highnesses his Majesty's brothers, Edward Augustus l)uke of York and Albany, William Henry Duke of' Gloucester and Edinburgh, Prince Henry Ft ederiek, and Prince Frederick William, and his Royal Highness his Ma- jesty's uncle, `William A egostas Duke of Cumberland, (the said -Prince Henry Frederick and Prince Frederick William to be members of time said Council of Regenc), when they shall respectively minie the age of twenty-one years, and not sooner,) and also et the pers.ons and oilieera ffiliowing, viz. the Archbishop of Canterbury for the time being, the Lord Chancellor or Lord Keeper, or the first Commissioner named iii any Commission for the custody of time Great Seal of Great Britain for time time being, the Lord Treasurer of Great Britain, or time first Cenimissioner ill that office for time time being, time I.ord President or the Council for the time being, the. Lord Privy Seal for the time being, the Lord High Admiral of Great Britain, or the first Commissioner for exe- eutieg that office, the two principal Secretaries of State ffir the tim»e being, and time Lord Chief Justice of the Court of King's or Queen's Bench for the time being. Bet if any of time Rieds broth( is, or his uncle, shall (lie during his reign, or shall be nominated Regent ou his demise, his Majesty by tinee instruments limier his si..om manual, riled tuul deposited as aforesaid, and revoletble at pleasure, may appaint some other person to be of' the Cooneil ; and such instruments ef uonaination are to he produced unopened to the Privy Council.

The Council is to meet as the Regent shall direct, and five (where it is not otherwise specialty provided) may act.

An oath of office is to be taken by tile Regent, and by each member of the Council, to be administered by the Privy Coe mil, and entered in the Council books. The Regent and Council are to qual,fe themselves as for offices and places of trust ; the Regent taking and subset.» ing time oaths and declaration before the Privy Council, and receiving the sacrament in one of the Royal chapels. Upon his Majesty's demise during the minority of his successor, the Privy Council is to meet and cause such successor to he proclaimed, pursuant to Act 12 Will. 111., upon pain a ineurritmg the penalties of high treason. The con- sent of' time umajerity of live or more of the Council is necessmy to inalat good all creations, pemelons, granfs, di-position:3, instructions, orders, or autho- rities. Time I tegent is disabled to make war or peace, to ratify treaties, or to prorogue, to:joule], or dissolve the Parliament, without time consent of the ma- jority of the Couneil ; nor Ines. the Regent give the Royal assent to any act kw altering time succession to time Crown, as established by Act 12 Will. HI., or for repealing or altering the Act ef 1:1 Charles II., or of 5 Anne. Members who are eppointed by time Comumefl, in mirtime of their dignity or office, are to be no longer of tinm Council than they (.entinne in slich dignity or office. Great officers of State appoimited tfi the Council, are to continue in their offices, in etltie. of the den.ent 01 tbe Crown during suelm minority, for six months after, unless removed. Imy consent of the Ilia j amity (if the l'ouneil, or upon address of both Houses of Parliament. The Archbishop of Canterbury and Lord Chief :festive of the E lag's Bench limy be removed in like manner fr0111 the Council, as also any other men:bers who are not constituted such in virtue of their dignities or offices. Vacancies in the Council by removal, death, or resigna- thin, or by succeeding to the office of Regent, or by death of the King's younger brothers, being under age, are to be tilled up a ithin two months by the Regent and Council. Nothing herein contained shell take away the rights of the Privy Cotimmil ; but time Regent is empowered to summon and hold the same as usual ; and members of the Reg,eney may be also of the Privy Council. Upon deseent of the Crown to a minor, the Parliament then being is to con- tinue for ti iv years, unless sucm. successor shall be sooner of age, or such Par- liament be dissolved by time Regent, with consent of the Council; but if there Amine im Ps:Sian-tent then in being, which shall have met and sat, the pre- ceding Parliament is to convene and sit for three years ; except as before excepted. The successor to the Crown being a minor, is not to be married during such minority, without consent of the Regent and Council, on pain of the marriage being void, and the persons concerned therein incurring the penalty cif high treason

In eases of an equality of voices in the Council, the Regent is to decide. 'Where the consent of a majority, or one-hall part of the Council is made necessary to the validity of any act, the members consrnting thereto are to sign the same in the Council-books. The Clerk of the Council is to be appointed by the Regent, mid take an oath of Mike.

All commissions, letters-patent, orders, &c. to set asido or change the orders of government settled by this Act, during the minority of the successor, are declared void ; and the persons concerned therein incur the penalties of pre - munire indicted by the Statute of Premunire.

6entlentan's .11agfizene, vol. xxxv. pp. 249-2z1.