11 JULY 1840, Page 14


Abstract of the Net Produce of the 'Revenue of Great Britain, in the Years and Quarters ended 5th Jaly 1839 and 1840, showing the increase or Decrease on each head thereof

('I ii ROE.


1839. 1340.

Permanent Debt

8,11,0.271 ,

8,181,089 Terminable Anuttities 738,262 733,796 Interest on Exchequer Bills issued to meet dm Charge on, Ii,, Consolidated Fund 15,162 18.329 Sinking Fund

Civil List.


96,845 Other Charges on the Consolidated Fund 578,392 561.1,4:0 For Advances and to pay off Exchequer Bills issued lot

Advances 172,400 111,059 Total Charge 9,761,069 9,701,529 Surplus • 2,124 051 2, i 86,255 Amount of Exchequer Bills issued to meet the Charge on 11,825,123 11.887,784 the Consolidated Fund for the Quarter ended Slit April' 1840, and paid oft' oat of the growing Produce of thut

Fund Mr the Quarter ended 5th July 1840

• • • •


Amount issued in the Quarter ended 5th July 1840, in,

part of the Sums granted by Parliament out of the Coll ! solitlated Fund, for Supply Services • 4,853,256

The Surplus of the Consolidated Fund, Quarter ended 5th July 1840 . I 2,186.255 2,672,001

The probable Amount of Exchequer Bills required to meet the Charge

on the Consolidated Fund, Quarter ended 541% July 1840


'EARS ENDED 1839. 1840. JUIN 5th Increase. Decrease.




,t; 19,006,501 12,13..97 6,560.t:5

20,20;',i,68 l'.1,182,:77 0,6;4,024 60, ,3e7 .19,4o6 114,349

Taxes 3,730 546 3.722.848

708 Pest•olEce 1.536.0ce 98,000

558.000 Crown Lauds 185,000 102,500 • • • • 22,500 Miscellaneous


10,878 Total Onlinary Revenue lmprest and other Monies i 43.845,982 486,902 44,065,968 413,211 825,062 , 605.070 73,751 Repayments of Advances 11,1%

Public Works 716,488 717,686 1.198

Total Income :

45 049,432 45,196,805

678,827 1

Deduct Decrease 678.827

Increase on the Year


• • • •

oumertats ENDED JULY 51h

1839. 1840. Inen•ase. Deerease.



Customs 4,871,333 5,137,934 266,601

Excise 2,570,311 2,711,951 141.640

Stant ps 1,647,423 1.729,051 8(228

Taxes 1,639,372 I

1,617 sits


Post•oflice 369,00) 100,000

2(h) 1100

Croon Lands Miscellaneous 40,0011 14,611 42.500 4,117 2,c60

1.0:44 Total Ordinary rtVVelltle . I 1,152,050 :

11,373961 501,405 279,494 Iniprest and other Monies 301,625 . 297,880 •

3745 Repayments of Advances tor

Public Works 202,462 195,995


Total locum,

11,656,137 , 11,867,836 501,405 289.706 Dedact Decrease

'89,706 ' • • • •


on the Quarter


Income and Charge on the Consoligatcd Pond, in the Quarters ended 5th July 1tiff3 and 1840.


(4 UAlff ENIrt: 5111 .li'uy

1839. ; 1840.

Customs Excise Stamps Taxes Post•oilie • Crown lAtuls Miscellaneous

I.p. est end other Moneys

Illiaymetit of AliVIIIICCS .4: 4,8;1.333 2,589.'298 1.647,422 1,639.372 369,000 40 000 14,611 30 l,6•25 20'2,462 5,137,934 2,731,899 1,729,651 1,647,888 109,000 42,500 4,117 1..97,880 195,995

To C'ash brought to this Account to ha applie.l to pay °If

Delicieney Bills 11,675,123 159,000 11,887,784

11,825,123 11,887,784