11 JULY 1840, Page 17


TuE perfection of an abstract principle consists in its being appli- cable to the explanation of the most minute plmnomena, yet capable of being extended so as to embrace the most extensive and complicated. It should be like the elephant's trunk as described by the showman—" able to uproot a tree or pick up a pin." Lord SEGRAVE enounced a principle of this kind in the debate on the

Chimneysweepers Bill. The cruelty of exposing children of tender years to violent deaths and to certain disease, by forcing them to tasks nauseous in themselves and frequently requiring ex- ertions beyond their strength, was denied by none of the speakers. But the noble Lord observed, " that in many old houses it would be almost impossible to alter chitunies in such a manner as to render it practicable to dispense with the assistance of boys; and if this bill passed into a law, property in the country would be placed in a state of great danger." His Lordship has with singular felicity crammed into these few words the quintessence of aristo- cratic objection to any innovation whatever—the eventual danger to " old houses." Try his apophthegm upon any question of re- form that may occur, it will be found to fit. The repeal of the Corn-laws is opposed, because it would endanger "old houses" and " property in the country." Church reform is opposed, because it might bring down an "old house" about our ears. Grapple with the Bank of England question, and there is no saying how many " old houses" in the City may be shaken. If JOHN Tnononoon be not kept in prison, what chance have " old houses" (of prayer) to be repaired? Throw " old houses" into one scale, and sound policy, justice, and humanity into another, the latter must kick the beam. It will serve materially to abridge the tedium of Parlia- mentary debates it' Lord SEGRAVD'S enunciation of this all-sufficing argument be adopted in future. In time it may be even further abridged. " There is an old house in the way," will at one arrest the progress of the most determined innovator. Lord SIX:RAVE is the AHISTOTLE, or DUNS SCOTUS, or RAYMOND LULLY Of the "old house" of which he is the prop and ornament—he has invented an argument universally applicable.