11 JULY 1908, Page 14


[To THE EDITOR OP TER "SPRCTATOR."] Sin,—Many members of the "One Flock" following the" One Shepherd," though gathering for worship into various "folds," will be grateful to "Anglican Archdeacon" for his letter. His championship of a generous acceptation of the term "membership of the Church of England," inclusive of many of the loyal sons and daughters of the Church who do not under present conditions conform to all her traditional rules and regulations, was specially opportune on the eve of the Lambeth Conference, whose findings must be fraught with such far-reaching consequences, not least, surely, in respect to the future relations of our Mother-Church to our Father- land. If only our fathers in God fix their attention, °cal° *retort°, on the thoughts and needs and hopes of their own contemporaries in this twentieth century, instead of turning

them back, as laudat ores temporia acii, on the first six (or any other) past centuries, we shall—to quote the language of that delightful "Admonition to Ministers Ecclesiastical" which prefaces the Second Book of the Homilies—" have cause to glorify God for them, and be the readier to embrace their labours." Nay, we will sing with Deborah of old:— " For that the leaders took the lead in Israel.

Bless ye Jehovah!"

Eccles Vicarage.