Small Loans For Poor People.
[To THE EDITOR OF TRY "SPECTATOR.'] Si,—Will you allow me, as one who has devoted much time and thought for many years to the subject of "Small Loans for Poor People," so......
[to Thu Editor Op Thr Spiotatolt."]
SrE,—In your last issue an "Anglican Archdeacon" gives obvious reasons for admitting Nonconformists to Holy Com- munion and full church membership pro tem in a Colonial diocese.......
Lto Ted Editor Or The "spectator] Sir,—is It Not A.
fact that the Book of Common Prayer is a part of the Act of Uniformity ? If so. "the law of the land" states clearly enough at the end of the Order of Confirmation that "there......
(to Wi Editor 01 The "sprotator:1 Sir,—the Letters Of Mr.
Wilson and Mr. Eyre in the last issue of the Spectator represent very clearly the attitude of most of the clergy on the question of the open Communion. The one quotes the......
(to Ter Editor Of Tier .4:beau/on:i Sin,—as One Brought Up
outside the Anglican Church, but who frequently receives the Holy Communion at the hands of his liberally minded vicar, may I say a word ? I have some- times wondered whether it......
A Free-trade Crusade.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR:1 Sin,—It is now practically certain that the Free-Trade Congress (August 4th-7th) will see an international movement started for the......