[to Thu Editor Op Thr Spiotatolt."]
SrE,—In your last issue an "Anglican Archdeacon" gives obvious reasons for admitting Nonconformists to Holy Com- munion and full church membership pro tem in a Colonial diocese.......
The " Guillotine " In The House Of Commons.
pro THE EDITOR OE THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR, — Although I am in sympathy with your article entitled "The Guillotine' and its Consequences" in last week's Spectator, I do not share......
A National Church.
[To THE EDITOR OP TER "SPRCTATOR."] Sin,—Many members of the "One Flock" following the" One Shepherd," though gathering for worship into various "folds," will be grateful to......
[to Tim Editor Op Th8 "spbotltor.]
SIE,—I have read with a fair amount of interest, and a good deal of sadness, the letters which have of late appeared in your valuable paper under the above heading. In my young......