SrE,—In your last issue an "Anglican Archdeacon" gives obvious reasons for admitting Nonconformists to Holy Com- munion and full church membership pro tem in a Colonial diocese. May I point out that the same reasons hold good in some parishes at home? I am rector of a small rural parish. There is no Nonconformist chapel within a mile and a half ; and I think that all Nonconformists here keep their Noncon- formity in abeyance. May those who would hesitate to admit them to Holy Communion be reminded of a rubric at the end of the Holy Communion Service which directs all
parishioners—not all Churchmen, n.ot all confirmed, but all parishioners—to communicate at least three times a year, of which Easter be one ? I have always, not, I am glad to say, ineffectually, called attention to this before Easter.—I am,