SIR,—The Prince of Wales sails for Canada next Wednesday, and will take with him the sum collected on behalf of the Wolfe and Montcalrn Memorial Fund, which will be Britain's gift to Canada on the occasion of the celebration of her tercentenary. As only a few days remain, we would once more appeal through your columns to all who are interested in the Quebec Commemoration to send their subscriptions to us before Wednesday, the 15th inst.—We are, Sir, &c., A. M. GRENFELLHonorary Secretaries. JOHN BUCHAN
6 Princes Street, B.C.
[We are glad to think that the Wolfe-Montcalm Memorial has met with very generous support on this side of the Atlantic, but a good deal of money is still required to make the British contribution worthy of the occasion. We may point out that those not rich enough to help on the larger scale can still bear their part by spending a shilling on a copy of the Quebec Tercentenary Souvenir, which is noticed in our present issue under "Books of the Week."—ED. Spectator.'