[To THE EDITOR OF TUE "SPECTATOE.-f SIR,—I see in your issue of the 4th inst. a letter about birds in strawberry nets. I have covered my beds this year with white muslin, with the greatest success, and there is no danger of catching our feathered friends and torturing or frightening them to death. The muslin takes no longer to fix than nets, can be easily pinned down, and as easily thrown back when gathering,—in fact, more so, as one's fingers do not catch in the meshes. Besides, the birds cannot get at the fruit through the muslin as they can through a net; also I believe they are frightened at the expanse of white muslin and never come near the beds, as several strawberries which had been left outside the muslin have never been touched by them. If others as well as "bird-lovers" would try this plan, they would find it answer without destroying our valuable insect- eating friends. Every household must have old muslin curtains and blinds to use.—I am, Sir, &c., A LOVER OF BIRDS AS WELL AS STRAWBERRIES.