[To TEE EDITOR OF TUB "SPECTATOR." J SIR,—Apart from the actual benefit resulting to the horses, there is no better method of drawing attention to the cruelty of the tight bearing or hame rein than the erection of notice- boards on our hilly roads asking the drivers to slacken the
rein when going uphill. Over forty such boards have already been put up in various neighbourhoods, and the Anti-Bearing- Rein Association now offer to pay the expense of erecting others in any district if any one locally interested will obtain permission for suitable sites on either public or private ground. May I, through your columns, be allowed to say that I shall be happy to send all necessary particulars to any one willing to help ?—I am, Sir, &c.,
ERNEST BELL, Hon. Sec., A.B.R. Association. York House, Portugal Street, London, W.C.