In " Routledge's Miniature Reference Library" (G. Routledge and Sees,
is. net) we have A Dictionary of Literary Terms, by Pereival Vivian. This is a most useful volume with a very great collection of information, "literary terms" being made to include a wide range of names and phrases.. It would be easy to make a puzzling examination-paper out of these pages. Here are some specimens : "antimetathesis," " asteism " (would not another " i" be better ?), "entremets " (not a dish), " glose," " isopits," "rentrements," " symbolistes." It will be observed that most of these are French. Our author is evidently very well up in French literary subtleties. We have not found anything wanting. Possibly some of the articles might have been a little more full,— the " anacoluthon," e.g., might have had the intentional and the unintentional distinguished. We have to remember, however, that this is a "miniature" dictionary.—In the "New Pocket Dictionaries" (same publishers, is. net per vol.), we have Italian and English, by J. E. Wessely, Revised and Brought down to Date by F. H. T. Gray, M.A., and Spanish-English, by J. E. Wessely, Revised by H. Warner Allen.