Bush House, the great office building which stands in such
a fine position at the southern end of Kingsway, has now been completed at its northern face by a large group of statuary high up above the verbal reminder of the Friendship of the English-Speaking Peoples. It fills the vacant space designed for it with a well-balanced group of two classical figures with hands joined to hold a torch over an altar, very much in the manner of designs met with upon Roman Imperial medals. It is the work of an American sculptress, Miss Hoffman. Mr. Bush, the American owner, and the English-Speaking Union chose Independence Day as the occasion for its unveiling by Lord Balfour, who took his chance of making an eloquent speech, in which he spoke of his " lifelong hope and lifelong faith," which lay in his belief in the importance of the friendship of the English-speaking peoples for the future of mankind. He said well what many feel on both sides of the Atlantic.