The Government Has Again Circularized Our European...
the largest, Russia), giving them a mild reminder in the form of a request to name a date for negotiations about settlement. In regard to the French debt of over £600,000,000,......
Apart From The Events That Take Place Daily In China,
it is desirable that We should understand the basis on which the foreigners are established as residents. We there- fore publish to-day an article on Extraterritoriality by the......
This Is All Movement In The Right Direction. We Shall
no doubt adhere to the lines of policy laid down by Lord Balfour and endorsed by Mr. Churchill. We shall only ask to be assured that arrangements will be made that we should......
In Madrid The Franco-spanish Conference Is Reported To Be...
important agreements for co-operation in Morocco. There seems no doubt that France has suffered a severe set-back there. It is not so much that Abdel Krim has had any......
At Present The Government's Only Definite Action Has Been...
appointment of General Naulin to the supreme command in Morocco. General Naulin is a compara- tively young man, who made a good impression on the British troops in Upper Silesia......
Although There Is No Very Definite News From China It
would be a mistake to think that the crisis there was over.. The' Hong-Kong strike continues and even extends, and the anti-foreign feeling is still as strong as ever . in all......
The House Of Commons Has Been Inflicting All-night...
itself without increasing its dignity or efficiency in debate. The Pensions Bill was again taken in Committee on Thursday, July 2nd, when Mr. Neville , Chamberlain made some......
The French Note To Berlin Regarding The Security Pact Has
been considered in secret by the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Reichstag, and Herr Stresemann's answer is said to be ready. The Deutsche Volkspartei, of which the Foreign......
Lord Oxford, Lord Grey And Lord Balfour Spoke In The
House of Lords on Monday in a way that showed that the Government and the Opposition are united in hoping for its success and in desiring to see Arbitration recognized as the......