It Was On Friday, July 3rd, That The Conference Of
the Miners' Federation refused point-blank to negotiate with the coalowners upon the terms proposed by them for a new wages agreement. It is now suggested that Mr. Eridgeman,......
News Of The Week
W E have refrained from discussing the Coal crisis in our leading columns but not because we fail kto realise the gravity of the situation and the greatness _of the issues at......
The Rest Of Sir Alfred Mond's Speech Deserves Close Study.
He is one of the small body of public men who understand the present industrial situation. He knows that the existing evils are a direct product of a bad policy—are, in fact,......
Although There Is No Very Definite News From China It
would be a mistake to think that the crisis there was over.. The' Hong-Kong strike continues and even extends, and the anti-foreign feeling is still as strong as ever . in all......
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London, W.C.2.—A Subscription to the " Spectator" costs Thirty Shillings per annum, including postage, to any_ part of the world. The Postage on this issue is : Inland, hl. ;......